About us

It is no coincidence that such a strong decision as the one to create a Foundation was taken by three women, who have always played a decisive role in the history of mankind, ensuring its continuity and its ‘continuous procreation’. Dominga, Marta and Enrica Cotarella, together with Ruggero Parrotto, are the body and soul of the Fondazione Cotarella.

Dominga Cotarella
Born in Orvieto in 1974. Daughter of Riccardo and Maria Teresa Cotarella, she studied languages in high school and then graduated in Agricultural Sciences from the University of Tuscia. She took her first steps in the wine world by handling public relations at Famiglia Cotarella, the family business, from the age of 16. After graduating with honours, she spent 10 years at Antinori in charge of marketing and communications before returning to the family business as Sales and Managing Director.
Dominga is the Sisters' strategist, the one who comes up with ideas for new projects and is able to involve everyone with her energy and enthusiasm. Founder and Director of Fondazione Cotarella.
Marta Cotarella
Born in Orvieto in 1980 to Renzo and Angela Cotarella. After graduating from high school, she studied Economics and Commerce at the University of Florence. She began her professional career in the world of auditing at Ernst & Young in Florence and, after being registered as a chartered accountant and auditor, she joined Famiglia Cotarella, where she is now Head of Administration and Planning & Control. Since 2017, she has been the Director of the Intrecci Higher Education Academy, which she runs with passion and efficiency.
Founder and Director of Fondazione Cotarella.
Enrica Cotarella
Born in Orvieto in 1985. Daughter of Renzo and Angela Cotarella, after high school, she studied Strategic Communication at the University of Florence. After working for Antinori in the operational marketing department, she returned to Famiglia Cotarella, where she is now Marketing Manager. Founder and Director of Fondazione Cotarella.
Ruggero Parrotto
Graduating in Political Science from Luiss in Rome, he then worked for Telecom Italia and Poste Italiane, in the areas of Human Resources, Innovation and Sustainability. He was General Director of the Bambino Gesù Pediatric Hospital and President of the Luiss Graduates Association. He taught Business Organisation at the Sapienza University of Rome and Economics of Industrial Relations at Roma Tre. He is a lecturer at the Sole 24 Ore Business School and Founder and President of iKairos, an association for social promotion dedicated to mentoring and the social economy. General Director of Fondazione Cotarella.
Giulia Micozzi
Biologist-Nutritionist and Project Manager of the Cotarella Foundation.
“He firmly believes in the importance of an integrated and inclusive approach in the treatment of nutrition and eating disorders, simultaneously supporting prevention and awareness programs aimed at promptly recognizing the first signs of these disorders”.
Grazia Boccacci
Communications manager of the Cotarella Foundation. As we always say at the Foundation: ``We can transform a problem into an opportunity``. I am lucky because the Foundation allowed me to see the eating disorder, an illness that for years took everything away from me, as a starting point, to exploit it and instead make it my strong point. Helping helps me, and to do so a change of perspective is necessary, it is necessary to give importance to the things that really have value. I want everyone to experience the feeling of returning to life that I felt when I met Dominga, Enrica and Marta in June 2022. A feeling that I still experience today by carrying out all the projects to raise awareness, sharing and commitment in the fight against nutrition and eating disorders.
And a fundamental aspect: you are never alone, it is teamwork that is growing more and more, together with all those who are part of the Cotarella Foundation and which I consider my family.
David Scatolla
Head of Volunteering at the Cotarella Foundation. Born in Orvieto in 1999. Having graduated in languages and completed his studies, he fell into the circle of Nutrition and Eating Disorders. A struggle that lasts years and years until he asks for help.
“For a long time I told myself I was the problem but instead I had a problem”
From patient to volunteer, you have been working in the Cotarella Foundation team since 2023.

The people who work for the Foundation will be part of a community. They will not only be excellent experts, trained technicians and competent professionals. They will be people who share the Foundation’s values as their own.

Fondazione Cotarella relies on the professionalism and expertise of:
Trainers, Educators, Coaches,
Growers, Oenologists,
Zootherapists, Zoologists, Veterinarians, Breeders,
Healthcare personnel, doctors, nutritionists, researchers,
Cooks and hotel staff,
Managers and administrative staff,
Engineers, Architects, Designers,
Webmasters, Communication Experts and Photographers
Let's start together!
Cotarella Foundation deals with charity projects guaranteeing transparency, reaching solidarity objectives and development of the territory. The Foundation needs your support to grow step by step to together.  Find out how to give your help. Every smallest contribution is important!